Winter Is Just Around The Corner


Whatever your situation, take a moment to reflect on what this winter of snowboarding has brought you; the good, the bad and everything in between. Be thankful for the awesome days on the slopes, new friends, time with old friends, opportunity to travel, new certifications, and new knowledge. On the flip side there might be injuries, missed opportunities or unfinished goals.

We typically think of setting our snowboard goals in the fall, but I would like to challenge you to set your goals for next season now, while the taste of the bitter-sweet end of winter is lingering. If you’re chasing winter or enjoying summer, think about what you can change to help you reach you goals. For most of us, next season is a long way from now, but it will be here before you know it. With a little thought and some effort, you can use the “off season” to train and help reach your riding goals.

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