Member Types
With three membership types and four membership classifications, there are many ways to be a part of CASI.
Memberships last from June 1 – May 31
Prices in effect until August 31st
Pricing increases on September 1st
Regular Membership
A CASI Member who will be teaching snowboarding this winter. Only Regular members are able to register for CASI courses.
- Full benefits, including access to pro-deals
- Covered under our disability policy while working for a recognized snow school in Canada
Regular Fee
1 year – $109.68
2 years – $219.35
(plus taxes for Canadian residents only)
Supporter Membership
A CASI member who will not be teaching snowboarding this winter, but still wants to support CASI and retain some membership benefits.
- Receive communications and newsletters
- Access to our Health Benefits Plan
- Access to the CASI Store
- Included in our early season membership contest
- No access to pro-deals
- Not covered under the disability policy
- Cannot register for CASI courses or programs
Supporter Fee
1 year – $40.00
2 years – $80.00
(plus taxes for Canadian residents only)
Affiliate Membership
Is an Internationally-certified instructor (a member of an ISIA-recognized nation) who wishes to teach in Canada this year and/or wants to take a CASI certification course. If you have a CASI Affiliate member number, click here if you want to apply for equivalency to take a CASI course.
- Full benefits
- Are covered under our disability policy while working for a recognized snow school in Canada
Supporter Fee
1 year – $171.55
2 years – $343.10
(plus taxes for Canadian residents only)
Need to change your membership type?
Please contact our head office.
Membership Classifications
Single Members
CASI-only members who make up the bulk of our membership. They will be invoiced and receive their receipt directly from CASI this year.
Multiple Association Members
Members of two or more snowsports organizations (i.e., CASI, CSIA, CANSI, ACA, CADS). See below for information on paying dues as a multiple association member.
Dual or Triple Members
Members of multiple associations (CASI, CANSI, ACA, CADS) who are ALSO CSIA members must contact the CSIA to pay their dues at www.snowpro.com or by phone at 1-800-811-6428. Multiple association members will receive a discount on their dues payments when paying at snowpro.com (discounts vary amongst the associations and are established individually). Please review the above membership types to see what CASI membership type you are. The CSIA are typically ready to process dues payments in mid September each year.
CADS Dual Members (Snowboard only)
CASI Members who are also volunteering as snowboarders with Canadian Adaptive Snowsports (CADS). Please review the above membership types to see what CASI membership type you are. A discount is available for dual members who contact CADS to pay their dues at: www.cads.ski. Note: CADS Registration opens October 1st.

What’s your membership status?
Active Member
You’ve paid your dues for the current season and have the applicable benefits of the above membership types.
Inactive Member
You haven’t paid your dues for the current season and have no CASI benefits and cannot be employed or take CASI courses.
Dormant Member
You haven’t paid your dues for one full season and will have to pay a reinstatement fee to become active again.
Are you an inactive member and want to renew?
Membership Refund Policy
Membership in CASI offers so much more than simply the ability to legally teach at a resort. Access to pro deals and group health benefits are just two. We also need to protect the integrity of your membership. Since all of the benefits of membership are activated when you pay your dues we can’t refund and/or cancel a membership mid-season, as members may have already taken advantage of these benefits. We owe it to our industry partners and the resorts we work with to ensure that our members are current. Imagine a situation where one could renew their member dues, show proof to the snow school, cash in on some pro deals, and then request a refund from CASI. The only way to control this is to lock in your membership for the season once it is paid. We appreciate your understanding and continued support – without our members CASI would not be the strong organization that it is.