Code of Ethics
Each Member shall be governed by this Code of Ethics and shall adhere to the following articles at all times, both on and off duty. The rigid observance of the Code will bring prestige and honour to the organization and help to build the profession into one that will stand high in the opinion of the general public and the snowsports industry.
Article 1
The public expects and deserves the safest, most effective lessons. Being a Member shall be synonymous with the finest aspects of the sport of snowboarding; namely integrity, honour and respect at all times for those who have placed their trust in you and your teaching ability. Further, as snowboarding is a sport enjoyed by many in their formative years, Members have a responsibility to the youth of this country by setting an example for them to follow.
Article 2
A Member must always strive to further develop their technical and teaching abilities to be the best instructor they can be. Continual self-progression is essential if a Member is to remain current, up-to-date, and relevant as a professional snowboard instructor.
Article 3
Members are continuously in the public eye as instructors and so must act responsibly, fairly, and professionally at all times. A Member has a responsibility to themselves, their colleagues, and the public to set the best example at all times within the snowsports community.
Article 4
No Member shall misrepresent him/herself as to their level of certification or membership status within the organization. Members must not teach outside of their certification level while working as a snowboard instructor. Each Member must respect the limits of their training, knowledge, and experience, as per their certification level.
Article 5
Upon being hired as a snowboard instructor, Members must interact with their employer in a professional, competent and timely manner at all times – representing the association to the best of their abilities, and must meet professional financial obligations promptly and conduct all their business dealings in a manner befitting the standards of the organization.
Article 6
Members may have the opportunity to represent products or brands in a sponsorship or pro-deal setting. Endorsing products purely for personal gain, without true knowledge and conviction of the products’ benefits, is a misrepresentation of the ethos of the association, and misleading to colleagues and the general public.
Article 7
Members must not jeopardize or in any way abuse the promotional relationships between suppliers or other supporters and the association. These relationships are in place to support snowboard instructors working in the industry.
Article 8
At no point can a Member be involved with any illegal or criminal activities. The use of alcohol or any prohibited substances, under any circumstances, while working is not permitted.
Article 9
Members conducting training courses, lessons, or other programs or administering programs must ensure that they have the necessary approvals and land use agreements in place for the areas in which they operate, and have the proper insurance coverages in place for the activities being performed.
Article 10
The Board of Directors shall take appropriate disciplinary action should any breach of the Articles of the Code occur. Action can vary from a simple reprimand to a lifetime suspension of membership.