Well its been 2 good days in Bulgaria so far. A fun day of training and meeting up with some old familiar faces, as well as meeting some new ones.

Today was the opening ceremony runs to be spotlighted on the demo pitch with a giant crowd below as well as being televised live on TV.

The wait to drop in was pretty long, but not as long the 3 years that I’ve known that I was coming over here. Theres been no other event in my life that I’ve known 3 years in advance that was happening, but this didn’t seem to add too much stress after all this build up as I found myself trying to control the stoke level more than nerves! I was proud to be the first Canadian to drop in (aside from the flag boys) with a crew of skiers and snowboarders following behind.

I didn’t know what to expect as this is my first interski experience, but its definetly a cool vibe between all the nations and disiplines over here. Everyone is so passionate about what they do, but whats surprised me so far, is how stoked people are on what the other nations are doing.

Here’s a great example, Not once back home I’ve ever had a hardcore ski racer type roll over and strike up a conversation with me about how excited the are to see some snowboarding, this happened to me multiple times over the last 2 days. I’m mind blown blown by the level of stoke and interaction between nations and disiplines!

The upcoming week has a good vibe to it and I’m stoked to spend some more time with some of the new folks I’ve met from around the world and chat about shredding! Stay tuned for more updates!
