I might be slightly biased, but I have to say that the Canadian delegation were the stars of the show today!

At an Interski where the theme is “The Future of Snowsports” a fully integrated demonstration from CASI, CSIA, CANSI, and CADS truly showcased the best of what Canada has to offer the world of snowsports and reinforced the message that we are stronger together!

Coordinating all of the disciplines into a single demonstration run that allows each of us to profile our individual techniques and strengths while playing a supporting role to the others is no easy task but the outcome reflected the commitment to the goal of each of our organizations. On top of that, the message is clear; regardless of how we slide on snow we all contribute to the strength and health of the snowsports industry.

While many other nations featured all disciplines on the slope at the same time, few mixed them to same degree that we did, and none as successfully as the Canadians.

Clearly a successful demo run isn’t going to secure the future of snowsports but I like to think the intention behind our run sends a clear message. No matter how we slide, Canada is a leader in the snowsports industry and in an increasingly global market this will be critical to our continued success.

Thanks for reading!