What an amazing experience !! Tonight all three Canadian sliders were on the demo slope. CSIA, CANSI and us CASI team, all three teams did the great demonstration.

It was a long day starting on snow shredding with other nation’s snowboarders then attended the workshops on snow, lunch, training on spring boots deep slush on demo slope on the mountain. Then attending another two indoor workshops, 20min dinner got on bus then to demo slope!!

Being the lightest and smallest rider of the team, I needed to have speed so I managed to sneak in a time to quickly wax my board between that busy schedule.

Before the demo, all three Canadian team got together in circle, and team coach of CSIA cheered us up. True team spirit was there.

On demo slope we did two runs, two formations we practiced. As the daytime temperature was so hot, and it was a night show, of course it froze up, very firm snow for the snowboarders. But it was definitely advantage to hit jump as during the day time the approach speed was bit slow.

Led by Adam on the first run. We dropped in right after CSIA team, being the 2nd last rider in the formation, I needed to keep my speed to follow exactly behind the riders in front of me, and right behind me, there was Luc following right on my tail of my snowboard, (I could hear his edge noise) with Go-pro on his helmet.

Towards the bottom of the run, there was a jump set up and of course we all hit the jump. Actually I never told my team mates, but it was my very first time to hit table top at night, I was bit nervous but I trust my teammates, all I need to do is just follow their lines and take off! And I did it! Oldest lady in the demo team can still fly!!

2nd run was another formation. This time I was leading Breen and Luc. Original plan was fast shorts turns, but as soon as I dropped in, I realized that snow was really icy, so in order to keep the steady rhythm, instantly I modified the turn size, slightly larger than our practice so the following riders can match easily (they do have longer board than me)

Toughest part being the front is, I needed to keep the pace and rhythm consistently so the other two riders can match easily. It is easy when the snow condition is good, not on icy steep demo pitch for sure.

It was a great accomplishment for the team, for myself. We are great teammates together. They pushed me to hit the jump and I was so happy that I did it.

Synchro riding may not be the type of riding we do normally but definitely this requires and highlights the true technique in snowboarding. This was a challenge to be adaptable, modifying my usual riding habits, and be consistent.

Yes we did it! And we did it very well!! We showed that Canadians can shred hard!

Thanks for this great opportunity.
