Recently a pretty amazing gesture was made by one of our long-time members…
Paul Faubert has been a CASI member since the mid-90’s. We worked together at Lake Louise for a few seasons, until Paul moved on and started a job and family in the early 2000’s. A few years ago, we were talking and I suggested that he come back to Evaluator Training just for fun as he had been missing snowboarding in general, and teaching courses in particular. He’s been to evaluator training the last 2 seasons and has had a blast (as have his old friends who’ve had the pleasure of spending a few runs/chair rides with him).
Living with his wife and 2 young sons in Grande Prairie, Paul taught his first level 1 in many seasons at Nitehawk in 2016, and again this December. It seems he had a great time, and based on the course evaluations, so did his candidates!
Paul works in oil and gas, and this season asked what he could do to help out. He didn’t want to be paid for teaching the course because he loved it so much, and felt that CASI and snowboarding had given him so much joy. I suggested (after about 1000 “are you SURE??”’ from me) that he donate his earnings to the CASI scholarship fund. He jumped at the opportunity and as such, the CASI scholarship fund has provided 3 full extra scholarships this season. Personally, this blows my mind a bit. I can’t think of another one of us ever making this kind of gesture (not least because as snowboarders we’re often half-starving).
Thanks Paul for your selfless gesture, your commitment and passion for CASI and snowboarding, and for keeping in touch all these years. It’s been a real privilege. Thanks also to every member who donates to this worthy cause, your contributions make a difference!
Andrew McCraney
Alberta Regional Coordinator